I always envisioned building a platform that does exactly this - helps journalist give quality news and make money out of it thanks to AI (helping in the research and editing) and blockchain (making sure they get paid and their work is credited).

I worked with media outlets for almost 10 years, and I quit because it was not sustainable, they give up so much quality for quantity..

I agree that journalism could be brought alive through web3. That said, I think the heavy reliance on traditional defense methods like attribution, licensing, training license etc is not going to work in today‘s world.

If you ask the „whys“ for these features, what would be the answers for journalists waiting licensing, distribution etc?

Let's imagine a world in which each article is a token, and the more it gets read or shared, the more it goes up. And then the journalist can profit off of that a bit or entirely, depending on how much they believe that the article will be viral in the future.

Like a mix between polymarket and pump.fun

wow there's a business here

I also believe there is untapped potential, though I don't know what the best format for this is. Paywalls requiring subscriptions are horrible, and they should be stopped. Also free content that is super sketchy and loaded with ads and marketing is also horrible. But in order for someone to understand the value they will get by reading an article and paying a fee accordingly, they will need to either trust and want to support the author prior to reading the article, or get a glimpse at the value from another context (which could be social or financial, or both). The article as a token idea is quite interesting indeed.

I also dream of a world where journalism is directly sourced from journalists just doing what they know best and profiting from that directly, and the media houses as we know them today disappear.