Why guidelines are important

We have an opportunity to build our own corner of the onchain internet. With awesome people, links, resources, and learning. To ensure this corner is valuable, we need to follow some submission guidelines.

What to submit?

On topic:

Anything that gratifies the intellectual curiosities of builders, engineers, hackers, and craftspeople in the community.

That includes:

  • Technical resources, hacking, and awesome git repos
  • Dune dashboards, reports, data-driven articles
  • Startups, cryptocurrencies, cryptography
  • Networking, privacy, decentralization
  • Hardware, open source, art, economics, game theory
  • Anything else our community might find fascinating, covering any subject from philosophy, literature, and pop culture, through science, and health, up to society and infrastructure

Off topic:

  • Sensationalist journalism for the sake of ad revenue (including overly optimized click-bait, rage-bait, fluff headlines, clickthrough optimized headlines, cliffhanger headlines, posts with no substance)
  • Mediocre resources
  • Old stories we all read and that have been widely shared elsewhere
  • Shilling (you know what this means)

How to submit?

A good headline tells you exactly what to expect without embellishing or optimizing for clickthrough. Some recommendations:

  • Attempt to submit the original title
  • Trim the title if it's too long without losing substance
  • Avoid Title Casing Because It Looks Like Spam (and it's terrible to read)
  • Avoid Upworthy and Buzzfeed style titles along the lines of, "Fiat Crisis with Balaji (shocking!)" - there's no need to add the last part
  • Consider NOT submitting pay-walled articles

How to upvote?

Within a small community, upvoting carries a lot of weight. The recommendation here is to carefully consider what's worth upvoting and what isn't. Avoid upvoting things you haven't read, watched, or vetted as worthy of other people's time.

Thanks to thatalexpalmer.eth who helped us prepare submission guidelines.

Commenting guidelines

Kiwi wants to provide clarity in the confusing crypto world. Comments play a huge role here, as they can expand the idea, add context, or debunk the statements in the articles shared here.

So just as we specified what content we want to see, now we want to ensure it's clear what kind of comments we are looking for. Also, since comments can't be edited (at least for now) and are fully public, it’s good to give them a bit of thought.

What comments are we looking for?

  1. Extra Context
    Kiwi users see only the headline, so if you are a person who submitted the link, feel free to add more context. Explain what this content is about, why you think it’s interesting, and share if you agree with it or not.

  2. Insider's perspective
    If an essay is about subject X (app, blockchain, or whatever), and you have interacted with it before, feel free to share your perspective. It's always interesting to learn from people who have first-hand experience.

  3. Deeper dive
    If you can add more context and information about the subject, please do it. We like to get a 360 perspective of the things we discuss.

  4. Debunks
    If the material is misleading or you disagree with it, share your perspective (and, if applicable, sources to support it!)

  5. Impact on you
    If this essay changed how you look at this particular subject, tell us what you thought before and how you think about it now.

  6. Questions
    If you have any questions related to the subject, feel free to ask them.

  7. Funny, spicy remarks
    If you have a funny, spicy way to comment on the content, feel free to do it.

This list is non-exhaustive, so all comments that include more context, help us understand the subject better, or add value to the conversation are much welcome!

What comments to avoid?

  1. Ad hominem attacks
    Please avoid personal attacks against authors and commenters. If you think they are questionable, point to relevant material (see above: Debunks).

  2. Shilling and spamming
    We all know what this means. If you spot a comment you think could be labeled as such, please let us know on the Telegram group.

  3. Strawman's arguments
    It’s okay to digress, but if your arguments aren’t related to the discussion, then it’s not that helpful.

  4. “I made it up” comments
    “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence”. So if you say something that is not a well-known fact, and don’t provide data or arguments to support your point, the comment is not that useful.

PS: Thanks to mishaderidder.eth, rvolz.eth, zinkk.eth, and noctis.eth for helping us to set up commenting guidelines.