Earn 0.0008 ETH for Every Friend You Invite

Let's grow the Kiwi community together!

We've designed an incentive program for both those who promote Kiwi to their friends on social media, as well as for those who earn the most Kiwi Karma!

For each new sign up, we're giving away a percentage. The website charges a slight premium over the smart contract. But we're forwarding 50% of this amount to the referrer, and 50% to the top karma earners.

If you send a friend the link below and they sign up, you're being sent 0.0008 ETH immediately. No need to wait for withdrawing or stupid retention games. You get the funds sent directly to your wallet!

Best of all, the more people sign up, the bigger the difference between website an onchain price will become!

Send a discount, get rewarded! Learn more

New!Send a friend an invite! They'll get 22% off, and you'll get 0.0008 ETH!

Get rewards by becoming a top karma earner!

The other 50% of the price difference between website and onchain price go to the top karma earners of the week!

Through submitting good links and upvoting others' content you can earn karma.

The top 10 karma earners of the last 7 days get a share of the mint price!

#Name🥝 (7 days)