Hey @mishaderidder.eth do you mind if I ask for farcaster tips? are you using bot followers to be able to post in channels? Are there more active channels? The ones I see are mostly bots I don't use the channel functionality that much or not overconcious, especially since it feels more or less depreciated. I don't use bot followers at all (or not to my knowledge anyways lol). And to be able to post in channels, mostly I'm either an OG or they invite me. Most of the channels are indeed dead. And there are also way too many. Also since depreciation channels really don't do that much for your engagement. But you can use them to just check the channel and what's happening there. But yeah so many bots and crap. But there is a nice core of users I like to follow personally that makes me come back to Fc. But I would not worry about channels too much. I know one channel I'm sure it is actively moderated and I think there are no bots. But I could be wrong. https://warpcast.com/~/channel/itookaphoto But there must be more for sure. I think like basic channels as Farcaster and Warpcast are very strickly moderated. Thanks for your insights into channels, yeah I was confused. So then how are people getting engagement or meeting people? Just reposts of existing OG people? Since I’ve been on Fc practically from inception for me it’s easy, I have a small circle of Fc posters and artists I like and I basically get my engagement from that. But good to know is that Fc is atm just a huge Discord server. So you should not expect huge engagement. If you get 5 likes on a post that’s already great. If you get 25 you can open the champagne. 100 you go viral ;) Something like that. I think if you start out if you get 3 likes that is already ok. Also good to know is that what is rewarded best is have quality conversations. Reply reply reply and people replying to you will build your reputation and get you visibility. ok thanks for the viewpoints. why do you say it's a discord server? meaning like real time chats that are smaller, and not "twitter" ? I mean there are just not so many daily active users compared to for example X. Atm it’s about 40k fc users to 300 million on X. So fc is in a way just a huge Discord server, so don’t expect a lot of engagement right away:) https://dune.com/pixelhack/farcaster https://seo.ai/blog/how-many-users-on-x | |