Here is another take from Evan on the value of Week in Ethereum: > But it's also the culture of Ethereum that your work is only really valuable if you write code or do Research™️ This is actually not true. Week in Ethereum got way more funds than any of my projects (which were coding related). I still think the brand can be leveraged quite well. I'm sure they could easily raise a lot of money through grants in various ways. > And frankly the hundreds (no joke, literally _hundreds_) of people who thought I would give them Week in Ethereum for free sadly proved that people really don't think that I had built something valuable I disagree. The fact that many people want to take over the ownership of the newsletter shows that there is a lot of value actually. But I think it is kinda how Jeff Bezos said about acquiring the Washington Post: Usually those newspapers punch above their weight influence wise. Aaaand they don't make money. If you think about it. It was the same with Twitter. People laughed at Elon for "overpaying to buy it," and now he's basically the first guy in line after Trump. More context from abcouthup (one of the editors): I have some loose thoughts about it: 1) Wondering how many subscribers WiE has. Is it more like 10,000 or 100,000. That would be a valuable information about potential market sizes for Kiwi. 2) Can you really make money there? What bugs me is that on one hand Evan says that marketing directors don't care about devs, on the other hand, startups spend millions on hackathons and DevRel. Plus hiring devs in Ethereum is expensive af, so there's def a budget there. Would be interesting to have a chat with Evan and understand their lessons learned. 3) How could we - as Kiwi - fill some part of this gap. We are not 1:1 WiE replacement because we have a broader mix of content, but I'm wondering how we could serve people who would miss WiE. There is still ETH Daily. Not so thorough though of course. What's interesting, a similar Web3 Builder News newsletter is going on hiatus the same time as WiE: Their newsletter used to have some high quality content, I guess the business case didn't work out for them, either. There's actually a very interesting response from Josh Stark where he says that: 1) Evan wanted to wind down/sell WiE and it wasn't about the lack of funding, 2) They postponed termination of his contract with the EF till the end of the year after Evan said he will terminate WiE if they do it, 3) EF is open to funding WiE. Link: The response from Evan is out: | |