> The Mastodon GmbH entity automatically became a for-profit as a result of its charitable status being stripped away in Germany. The existing US-based non-profit entity, the 501(c)(3), will continue to function as a fundraising hub.

The anarcho tyranny now even strikes those who pledge allegiance to the oppressive system. > We’ve always been worried that developing Free and Open Source Software would not be recognized as a charitable cause by the German tax system, so we were glad when the tax office originally approved our non-profit status in 2021. But now we have received a notice from the same tax office that our non-profit status has been withdrawn. This came with no advance warning or explanation. Love it! There are of course countless documentaries of what happens with your money when you e.g. donate it to Africa for third world development. And then some paperclip optimizor is filling out the forms in the right way so that there's a green light in the German bureaucracy to make THAT non profit tax exempt. And then you have a guy go there for a substitution of his military service, and everyone learns that this money is funnelled through a grift. Meanwhile you have legitimate open source developers who's work is mostly openly accessible to anyone. But that sadly isn't a condition to green light tax exemption in Germany. Filling out the right forms is

> "We need to grow our annual operating budget to €5 million in 2025. With these additional funds we will grow our team, invest in our community’s safety, and keep building the world’s most free and open social network — the Fediverse." I haven't used Mastodon but given how well-known they are in our decentralized social bubble, it seems like a pretty cost-efficient organization.