Well, I think that today in the year 2021 you and I know a little better and that we should embrace the problems of the world instead of running, fighting, or hiding. We know better so we can get ourselves happily to work, a more and more creative type of work, one that is fully connected with what we truly value.

I agree with this a lot.

Often, the first reaction in our modern world is to run away to a safe distance, observe, and rest. I feel like life could be more fulfilling by embracing struggle and not always optimizing for short-term happiness. After all, that's always the emotional impulse, and what if it is wrong? What if there is lasting happiness behind a long journey of suffering?

Thank you,

I think we are too afraid, we live in fear, and this is normal, because of the "programming" we have received, and this program is fear-based: competition, scarcity, and pain.

I think you, I, and the people alive today (we) are meant to unlearn this fear-based mentality. Connect to a vision of the world as a safe place to live, can we do this? I think that cultivating our mental health can lead us to the experience of peace.

We also need to reach a new understanding of who we are, not the creepy thing that can be judged, and hurt and fail. But the one that can witness the beauty of the world. Can we experience this? This can be called resilience, creativity, or even the capability of believing in oneself... again these are skills, that nobody told us about, but as with any skill it can developed, day by day, intention by intention.

The more we cultivate these states and skills, the less afraid we are, the "better(or more interesting) our problems" can be...Does this make sense?
Thank you again for connecting :-)
