Interesting tech, but I don't get the use case.

I'd never let anyone cast on my behalf without being able to see what they're about to cast. Even when brands pay influencers to promote the products, the influencers adapt their messaging to their audience and tone of voice.

One grey/dark hat use case I see here, though, is someone with multiple low-quality accounts on FC might lend the power over them to someone for $. But as I said, it's not a use case that I consider positive for the FC network.

But maybe I'm missing something - anyone sees a use case here?

I would have found it better if casting the frame was rewarded and that then others could take over the frame‘s content for a while to advertise.

Currently, the high transaction costs that occur in advertising in web2 result in centralised power, low transparency, and missed revenue.

One could imagine that the bidding for ad space, currently done on closed programmatic advertising platforms, would take place on a decentralized, i.e. more transparent, market. But there isn't much to go on.


Hey Mac. This is our project from the weekend. Very happy to provide some context!

So, worth saying up front that neither of us are developers. And so the scope of what we could deliver was limited. The big thing here really being a mechanism for a signer to sign a message on a user's behalf that has authorised it to do so. And then all the frames stuff to build a work flow around that etc. Leaning all this from scratch in very limited time was certainly a challenge :)

OK so, bigger picture. We see this as a model for decentralised advertising on DeSocial.

The concern you raise here was actually one of my core requirements, ensuring that there is moral rights / signoff / veto rights. It fell out of scope for the hack, because of our capacity, but we know exactly how to do it. There's a whole set of things we can build there also, for example, the seller setting requirements on type of content that they will accept upfront etc. We also want to append messages with a note that this Cast was generated via LEMON JUICE. To add further tarnsparency.

We also want to build out the FTR as an auction, which again fell out of scope, but will be fairly easy to do once we have a bit more time and some actual engineer expertise helping us. Lots of auction options we want to try.

Another thing we wanted to do, but fell outside scope, is for the seller to set conditions for the sale. E.g. one shot message, campaign of x messages over y time, etc. you get the idea.

OK so, rationale. We're coming at this from the content industries with a basis that a. we need new revenue models, and b. they should be build on "new digital rights". Your social feed is a valuable thing and there's currently no open market on which to sell access to it.

And yet people do. How many tweets / casts have you seen where someone is like "hey check out this thing". Often the value exchange isn't explicit, but yeah. Imagine if now there was a transparent market where you can see why and how a tweet like that came to be. And if it was more valuable to use that market than doing a deal in the shadows. We think this could be quite transformational.


Hey Dan, thanks for providing more context!

Now, looking at this demo through the lens of a trimmed MVP & your further plans, it makes much more sense to me. I knew a founder in Poland who worked on a micro-influencer project called IndaHash (, which was quite successful.

It worked because brands are looking for more granularity than opting in for big influencers like MrBeast, but synchronizing 1,000 smaller influencers to get the same reach as one MrBeast is tiresome.

I see that your project might simplify this synchronization even further, so I see some potential here :)