This reads like they are back in the trenches!

Btw, I think a lot of this definition of what they consider decentralized is part of the problem why I don‘t want to endorse them anymore. I think they should adopt more of a philosophy of optimizing the constraints of their software‘s resiliency. Despite their definition, what if Warpcast goes away or turns evil, or whatever? This is the „tide goes out“ moment for them and reciting a goal post from 2 years ago makes no sense in my view. A lot has changed

Basically Dan telling you to stop bitching and stop building another client.

Basically Dan telling you to stop bitching and stop building another client.

And from Dan's post:

That's not to say we are doing everything perfectly (we're not!) and we don't make mistakes. One of the reasons we are holding Developer Day next week is to get candid feedback from a group of developers working in the ecosystem daily.

"Candid feedback?" I'd have TONS of candid feedback that nobody is ready to hear or willing to address!

For example, what are you going to do about Warpcast being the closed source client?

I think the problem is that if you're selective towards who's feedback you wanna hear, you're also selecting a crowd. The FC dev crowd are people who want DAU's streamed to their sub-par alternative WC-client, so get ready for the Merkle team to find out that, SURPRISE, the overwhelming consensus is that FC devs want more DAUs streamed to their FC apps. That is because they've abandoned all the other devs who were asking for other things.
