I’m not really sure yet what to think of the new channel mechanics. I can see this will control spam, it gives channel owners a lot of power, which in a way is fair since you’re paying for it. Now you can have your own little dictatorship lol. What a bit off puts me is that I liked very much a sense of openness, you could use channels to proliferate certain content and it was kind of wild. With the new channels you have to ask permission to post and reply, so wilderness is gone. Actually it makes me feel like I don’t want to post in (someone else’s) channel anymore. I have to find out if it’s going to be really that bad, maybe I get used to it in time, and I’ll be a happy caster. Time will tell. One worry though I have is with the broad subject channels like art, video, ethereum, nature, etc. Regarding art channel, as I am one of the channel hosts, I know it’s community hosted which is great, and maybe how it should be. But I know there are some broad channels who are hosted by single persons who were “early”. Of course they were smart and fast (and they’ve been paying for it) but still it leaves me with questions. Some subjects should maybe be permissionless? Also if you were smart enough to early claim a broad channel you surely also could monetize that. Anyway I would like to know how others feel about that. But of course you can always launch your own counter channel on the same subject with a slightly different name and beat them in popularity. haha. Happy to hear any thoughts about the new channels. Thanks.

> King morning genuine people. How's the sovereignty going? Heard channels are now republics. https://warpcast.com/kingpost/0x849a8abd

Queen morning. I have one channel I started for postcards nerds, it's of course super small, but even then I got annoyed having to invite everyone manually to it haha I don't know if they'll become members yet so remains to be seen. I mean I understand that having an option for "closed communities" is nice to have, but I also feel maybe it's too early for that. And the visibility of non-channel members when replying not being there is a bit sus. Like, I post something and then people I follow/ follow me reply but it's hidden. This is fine for my guitar videos, but for bigger discussions as I'd like to see them on politics, crypto industry issues or other topics not great IMO. Also, for example, when you're not a member and it's not clear how to become one of a specific channel, i'd just revert to posting on the main feed. So maybe that's what people will do much more again

Somehow I have the feeling the new channels is actually also a way to get rid of the channels. As Dan also wrote there are too many channels, 13k currently. But since people are paying they can’t just wipe them clean. So now they have become closed communities, instead of something you could use to boost or like a hashtag to your post. It leaves to burden to the channel owners, either to put in the energy or to wipe the channel out yourself. Actually I also have one of my channels I want to get rid of bc I don’t want to put in the work. https://warpcast.com/dwr.eth/0xc059cb35

Ah man they‘re going to rug us aren‘t they. I spent a bunch of money on channel and I bet they‘ll find a reason to take them from me Not your keys not your channels I guess