“In a time when technology should be empowering citizens, its use as a tool of oppression in Bangladesh serves as a cautionary tale for the rest of the world. The international community must act to ensure that the internet remains a space for free expression and democracy, not a weapon for state repression. The road ahead will not be easy, but it is crucial for the people of Bangladesh to remain resilient and continue to fight for their rights. The international community must stand with them, providing support and holding the government accountable for its actions. Together, we can work towards a future where the internet is a tool for empowerment, not oppression, and where the rights of all citizens are respected and protected.”

Recently I visited Bangladesh teaching video art to young people for @theoneminutes . I can confirm the situation is dire. Also I was in Kutupalong refugee camp where government effectively block internet access jamming telecom. It convinced me blocking internet is a weapon for repression. I think open censorship resistant internet is essential. Access for all. That’s why I’m here.