I don‘t know the denial that The Verge is on about, but don‘t you think that given all popular VCs are coming out against Democrats, there may be, maybe maybe maybe something Democrats have messed up this time around regarding tech and crypto? I‘m obviously not involved, but if you have been listening to business podcasts and media then there were a number of betrayal incidents Democrats were involved in against VC, tech and crypto. Besides, I think you can hardly hold a16z (and here I mean Mark and Ben) accountable to „help protect democracy.“ They lead a huge firm, and so obviously, they‘re going to do what is in their best interest. I don‘t think much of it has to do with personal political opinions.

What strikes me is that in the end of article The Verge mentions the role of IBM and it’s strategic alliance with Nazi Germany in 1933 in the first weeks that Hitler came to power and continuing well into World War II. (Source from The Verge article: https://www.amazon.com/IBM-Holocaust-Strategic-Alliance-Corporation/dp/0609607995 ) Furthering this analogy with Weimar Germany; big finance played a significant role in shaping the political landscape. Large industrial conglomerates directly financed political parties and politicians across the liberal, bourgeois and right-wing spectrum, also supporting extremist parties. In early 1933, German industrialists contributed significant funds to far-right parties like the Nazi Party (NSDAP) and the German National People's Party (DNVP). I.G. Farben was the single largest contributor. ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weimar_Republic / http://www.wollheim-memorial.de/en/politische_einflussnahme_en ) Probably also back then this had more to do with the industrialists financial interests than with their personal political opinions, they just wanted to make profit for their company. Anyway I don’t want to compare any political party from the present with the parties in the 30s Weimar Republic, I’m just saying mixing financial interests and making profits with politics can be a dangerous game where the outcome is unknown.

> Anyway I don’t want to compare any political party from the present with the parties in the 30s Weimar Republic, I’m just saying mixing financial interests and making profits with politics can be a dangerous game where the outcome is unknown. I agree, and honestly, I wish I had more conviction on this. Under a post by Joan, I wrote my analysis of whether I think it is fair to call Trump a fascist; I Am conflicted: https://news.kiwistand.com/stories?index=0x669d0b99133abb93a9c1bac376c01a28faad61cd45dca8430a7fb8c0efc4a26f9d262e50#0x669d18c7cf2e57c98abaa348d65b785e55f2c77f460c93a8215db07531a55cc789a8f9cf I think calling Trump a fascist or saying that there are parallels between the modern US and the 30s Weimar Republic is a really tough call. I honestly don't know what a fascist is. Putin is probably one, but still, it's really tough to make out the shape of a fascist. I find it hard to tell, also because the word's gravity is so severe. I've also had arguments with people about what they think democracy is, and we had pretty varying definitions and so if Biden, in his recent speech, calls on everyone to save democracy, what does *he* mean? Does he mean the democracy that I mean? Regarding Yarvin's comment in the article, I think Yarvin is an interesting writer, and I think a lot of his "democracy bashing" and pro-monarch/dictatorship commentary is useful reading material for everyone - even die-hard democracy fans. And I'm not saying you should help a dictator to power after reading. Anyway, when I read what The Verge and others are writing, I can't help but feel dragged along by the US election. Most likely, all of this violent rhetoric will die down in a year, and business will continue as usual. But I will say this about democratic elections, hehe: I'm really tired of them because the constant peaks in heightened online conflict and Brinkman-shipping on any political issue are destroying friendships and are divisive to social structures. People are making these arguments right now because there is a lot at stake; I get it. But I wish we could all just get along.