Kiwi News

> The use of representational thinking is essential to the discipline of marketing. It is used to help people "understand" new products or concepts to be “sold.” Daft Punk used this to help make sense of electronic music to a wider audience through the imagery of the rock band in the music videos for their Discovery album. I and many others were sold on electronic music through the imagery of the rock band, an image that I was more familiar and positive towards. What an amazing observation! That redefines how I think about them! And professionally, we've actually been doing this with Kiwi, too, and I'm sure other decentralized social founders have tapped into the idea as well. Establishing something truly new is very hard and so it is often really important to meet the users where they are, and then the art is only to innovate very slightly but preserving the already familiar core of an experience. Like Farcaster did with copying Twitter - it instantly makes Warpcast "OK to use." Or how we try to do it by copying Hacker News.

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