Kiwi News

Breadchain Crowdstaking is an interesting and innovative experiment in funding. By baking (staking) xDAI (stable) into BREAD (staking token) the staking rewards are used to fund projects. You can always burn your BREAD and have all of your xDAI returned. Also you can provide liquidity at a Curve pool with $BREAD and get $BUTTER ;) so you’re earning a bit yourself too. The move from Polygon to Gnosis chain is smart, especially with the coming integration with Gnosis Pay you can spend your $BREAD to buy bread 🍞. Anyway today the $BREAD existing on Polygon is going to be airdropped today to Gnosis chain which completes the move during a live event on Crypto Leftists Discord More about the move to Gnosis here (already curated on Kiwi some days ago)

I guess I am pretty far ideologically from the authors, but I like that people from all over the political spectrum use blockchain to build their projects. I think our tech has a huge potential for experimenting with socialist ideas because you can run multiple projects in parallel and measure the results. Plus, they're 100% opt-in, which means these ideas are not forced upon anyone, so they shouldn't be opposed by more libertarian users.

Did I mention there’s no speculation involved? It is all on stable coins and you are you are giving away your staking rewards. Admit that I am holding some of that $BREAD too. Hoping more and interesting projects will apply for Breadchain funding. Anyway not investment advice and DYOR.

Yes! Agree with macbudkovski.

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