Kiwi News

The original video linked in that tweet is terrifying. Somehow, we ended up creating this tyrannical, paternalistic, rule-based bureaucracy. And then there are people even arguing for this. Why? I think people's preference when they buy and self-custody crypto is pretty clear: Yes, self-custody is also very painful and risky, but it might be worth the risk given some of the institution's incompetence or malintent. And the asset's future hardness for ETH and BTC seem quite good compared to fiat and banking.

I 100% agree. I can't imagine how I would feel if a bank didn't want to give me my own money—and it's just $3,000. Imagine what might happen in times of 2008 crisis-level volatility or war. Self-custody is sometimes a pain in the ass. On the other hand, we have been doing it for the most part of the history of our species, so I believe we'd find ways to make it less risky and complicated.

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