Kiwi News

"Wait, how long did it take them to get their first 500 customers? Two years? Yes. In fact, after ending 2006 with just 3 (three!) customers, they ended the next year with only 48 (source). That’s less than one per week. For a year. That does not sound like a juggernaut of growth. In fact, that sounds downright bad. Like, maybe you should shut the company down because it’s “obviously not working.” This quote is about HubSpot, a $32B company. A great read that helps to put startup growth in context (and make us a bit more patient).

> Robert Pirsig’s book Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance was rejected by 121 publishers. How do you keep going after “just” 100 rejections? After 20, even? What the actual fuck? That book is a masterpiece

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