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I know, I sound like the biggest loser when I say that, but I hate the „touch grass“ thing. If you want to be disliked by developers, go ahead and keep saying that. Yes, we are in a way very privileged because we can sit in front of our computers and make money. My privilege is not lost on me. But if I could consciously chose today, I think I personally would have not chosen to become a computer obsessed person. My life consists of sitting in a quiet room and minimizing interruptions for 8 hours or more a day. If I don‘t do this, I‘m not doing my job. And this obviously is downstream of my social life, which I have to very carefully curate as 8-10hrs a day are „lost“ staring at a screen, concentrating, isolating. I dream of doing many jobs where I‘m „touching grass“ naturally. It‘s all fantasy, the software dev job is just too convenient, powerful and I have a decade of professional experience. But „Touching grass“, that‘s what bullies said to me in high school when I presented too internet-brained. It‘s just not nice. I‘ve always been very focused on the computer and I don‘t think I can fundamentally change that. Otherwise the newsletter has interesting links and everything haha

I don’t think Maria Paula intents to go near grass any time soon. lol

ahhh! Lol I didn‘t see that even 🤣 well anyways let it be known what is my opinion on touching grass

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