This was a really informative and "real" post for everyone who needs to work with Farcaster as a component of their business strategy (I do). If you just read the FC-internal circlejerk about Farcaster, it's actually really hard to make a good assessment about where it's at and what its potential is. In the end, the opinion that you form about it is also an input into your business decisions, so while optimism is great and all, the reality is much more likely to yield returns. It's great that there are now more people sharing their authentic experience as I think this will lead to more people making the right decisions! We need more of this, even if it might seem painful or scary!

Yeah, I also watched the last episode of the bcb show, and it was pretty eye-opening to hear how this whole shadowbanning unbanning has played out. You don't really hear about it, and it certainly seems that criticism is not desired at all. Overall, having him leave is a loss. We all know that platforms/companies that only engage yes-men either turn into cults or something else much less successful and enticing.