If you don't want to miss future calls, add this event to your Google Calendar: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/event?action=TEMPLATE&tmeid=XzZncDNhZ2hnNjkwazhiOW04Y3IzY2I5azhncmphYmExNjhzNDhiOWk2c3NqMGhoazhjcTQyZDIxNjRfMjAyNDA3MzFUMTQwMDAwWiBidWRrb3dza2kubWFjaWVqQG0&tmsrc=budkowski.maciej%40gmail.com&scp=ALL

Is there a way to get the transcript from this? I cannot find it in X.

Hmm I checked and there's a recording + you can show captions but I haven't found a way to export these captions.