This is going to be one of the most fun things about generative ai. Infinite gaming.

That's awesome - soon, everyone will be able to create their own mods. Given that two of the world's most popular games (League of Legends & Counter-Strike) were fan-made mods, it might unlock many new gaming ideas.

two things here: - i'd scroll down and look at the drawings being brought to life, this TBH is more interesting for me from a designers perspective, than the above examples - I'd go with a hot take that this solution is not viable in the long run (eg. in the early stage creating a whole game based on 1 drawing is gonna be a very low or no quality) BUT might be interesting with a smart gaming mechanic. Imagine a game level generated in this way that can be accessed with a special NFT ;)

Token-gated levels and skins would be nice, especially if they're fan-made and the gaming company would share % of revenue with them :)

go deeper - levels :)