I think highly of Funding the Commons and also last year attended their Berlin event with pleasure. Something different struck me in this announcement. They have an AI generated picture of lush nature with futuristic bulb-like dwellings that looks like a wild place to be. Then scrolling down you see a picture of the actual event location. lol. Made me think of the crying children in the Wonka experience in Glasgow I curated a few days ago. AI reality vs actual reality. https://news.kiwistand.com/stories?index=0x65e11b36d8480d295d1f45f5a91818dc9b2601e0b4b090f1981942ff27187f70b2587c4b

hahahah, careful, youβ€˜re now advancing the plot xD No but in all seriousness, in the Kiwi branding guideline, weβ€˜ve also banned AI generated images because theyβ€˜re so easy to make but have so little to do with the actual brand experience. Our website is literally about buttons with a border radius of 2px, so most AI generated images prompting Kiwi News are just WAY too fantastical