Interesting post! Your closing remarks about human curation got me thinking about how music discovery has changed. When I was a kid, I learned about new bands from friends. To this day, I remember the names of people who introduced me to bands I loved — Metallica, Faith No More, Korn, Limp Bizkit, Offspring, and so on. Even when I learned about the band from the radio or MTV, these songs were handpicked by some person. Sometimes, I waited for a program run by a particular radio personality because I knew they had great taste. Nowadays, I primarily learn about new music from Spotify. It’s efficient, but some human touch is lost. My newly discovered bands are like partners met through Tinder compared to partners met through serendipity and friends. They have no background stories. I hope that more people care about that. And our human-curated content at Kiwi will find a way to win back some attention from algo-driven feeds. PS: The story about the ex-boyfriend’s shitcoin project is pretty concerning.

Thanks a lot. Totally agree with music. It might be quite old-school, but I did get a sound set up, and it turned out it had a CD player - which allowed me to discover some new artists, mainly by picking random CDs in the library based on title, or on what was prominently displayed. And then there's the collections based on a theme of course. And occasional recommendations from friends. But yeah, I hope we will maintain human curation and that kiwi contributes to it :)