I really like the fandom perspective. It's fascinating that people coordinate around imagined worlds to discuss stories, run meetups, and design their own cosplay costumes. When I was younger, had many of these conversations about Star Wars and DBZ. Still love to dig into fandom wikis whenever I watch a good TV Series. I think in crypto there's this tendency to extract value before you create it. Fandoms are the reverse - they create tons of value and often don't even try to charge for it. We could learn a lot from them :)

> From 2021 to late 2022, users were advised to buy a PFP to turn into an identity marker rather than a character we share an adventure alongside. We were told to make a business out of a singular digital piece of art on which some spent thousands of dollars worth of ETH. This clearly didn’t work as intended. hahah sick buuuuuurrn. Actually now that Riley took the time to formulate it, I realize how ridiculous this narrative was 😂