I actually agree that external stimuli cannot eventually lead to a feeling of content. Just after Justin Kan had sold Twitch for a billion he started making Youtube videos and it was really interesting to see him repeat to himself that only inner peace could make him feel truly self-fulfilled. Now he had a billion dollars, yet at times he was still running on the hedonistic treadmill, and so he had to actively activate the idea in his head that that money and abundance aren‘t capable of giving him lasting happiness, it is only himself and his psyche.

For me the striking part is how people are just hiding behind the pain, wearing masks and pretending everything is great, when deep down inside they are unhappy. I guess this is a trait of all social media, things feel unreal and you think you're the only one struggling, when in fact, a lot of people are dealing with issues. But I guess nobody likes talking in public about their own issues.