ETH staking is great of course. But if you want to start staking as a total beginner I recommend to go home stake Gnosis. Gnosis is a parallel EVM chain and everything is more or the same as with ETH - like the same clients etc. Only difference it’s GNO that you’re staking and you don’t need 32 ETH but 1 GNO (about €150 in the current market) to fire up your validator. So low risk experimentation and learning. If you get into it you can just add up to 150 validators or maybe more onto your node if you want to up your risk. Anyway great resources here: Then one day you have the 32 ETH to stake you can go ahead with confidence. And you can run your ETH node on the same machine together with your Gnosis node.

I'd recommend to visit Gnosis's validator hub for a total beginner users