Not excited about this frankly. That is because there is a lot of competition already. OK, I'm super biased because I run a site to share blog posts, but I thought Mirror was always on to something with building a writer community, but it didn't seem to grow fast enough to continue as an investable business. It's also strange that Kiosk is now working on building a discovery feed for minting when this was what could have made Mirror at least twice as good as a product haha

Also, isn't that the exact same thing (discovery) that the likes of Gallery and Zora generally do as well? I mean, sure, discovery is tough, but maybe instead of requiring people to use yet another client, getting stuff in front of people where they already are (in some sort of distribution network) seems more sensible. To me anyway, I like to discover through what people recommend.

+1 to both of you. Also isn't Interface kind of doing this job of aiding onchain discovery? Orb (on Lens) as well. Could be that the unlock lies in a better UX but I'm skeptical here.

Sorry to interrupt but this is literally the only interaction I can get with farcaster users. I am unsure if I'm being censored on farcaster. Do you need a certain amount of followers to speak in channels?

Nice. I figured out I was banned by a glitch from herocast