We do all the X users go? This article suggests Bluesky. I have seen some Brazilian artists pop up on Farcaster and Lens which I hadn’t seen for a while this morning. But there seems to be no mayor uptick on decentralized social. Maybe I’m wrong. Are decentralized social capturing the potential of this event?

Funnily enough Bluesky is just growing absolutely crazy. Like there was once a time when I was still on Farcaster when Bluesky was still smaller. It‘s now probably 10x bigger than Farcaster. Maybe if you truly wanna win on that front you have to dial up the anti Elon messaging a lot, kinda how Bluesky did. After all why would anyone disenfranchised by Elon go in Farcaster? From what I know Dan is his greatest fan and FC‘s more of a backup plan in case X goes away, or not? But yeah you‘re right. If people cared about being on X, and it gets banned, I imagine FC is the next best thing technologically.

Ok, I logged into my Bluesky account for the first time after I made it like probably more than a year ago. Funnily a lot of people I know from crypto art space have an account but most of them no posts or posted like a year ago last. I don’t know, the whole thing still looks boring boring boring, like everything is boring. But yes, there is activity. NY Times bot posts a lot. Looks like there’s some communities; LGTBQ+ people seem active, they might have found a safe haven there. Anyway I can’t imagine myself active there like it is now. Hope some Brazilians find their way to Farcaster so they can’t be blocked. Oh no. What if they arrest Dan? lol. Thinking too, Brazil plans to fine people that use a VPN to go on X. You could of course ban Farcaster, but they would not be able to block it. But your government could of course still fine you or even sent you to prison if they find out you’re posting. No easy solutions.

See now they recently posted a whole page in Portugese to onboard people. Bluesky is capturing. https://bsky.social/about/blog/08-29-2024-pacotes-iniciais

Dan’s perspective: > Chasing users fleeing another platform is not a long-term valuable strategy. Effort is better spent trying to figure out the compelling reason for people to join the network independently. If you have that, then you can use sudden external entropy to help grow. But sign ups for the sake of sign ups don’t matter. https://warpcast.com/dwr.eth/0x7d6f5d72

> Chasing users fleeing another platform is not a long-term valuable strategy. and > But sign ups for the sake of sign ups don’t matter. From what I know Bluesky has way more DAU than FC, so they haven‘t just chased sign ups, they also seem to retain some users. Plus, how many people on Bluesky are the chasing airdrops vs on FC ;)