
if you're a newcomer to our Daily Discussion thread, this is a place where we discuss all Ethereum topics, news, events.

And sometimes even things that are not directly Ethereum-related :)

So the prompt for today is:

Why are you here?

What makes you excited about Ethereum so much that you can stand the bad PR, hacks and bloodbaths like the one we saw yesterday?

Why are we still here? Just to suffer?

I am here cause I got bills to pay.

I am still hoping that somehow we can come together to create an alternative to the current exploitative platforms/systems that benefit the few at the expense of the many.

In the meantime, I think products that real people can use are a good start, and maybe the market going down is a good chance to re-connect with what are genuine problems we can solve instead of turning everyone into a gambling addict.

This week I shared a ddocs link with a complete crypto outsider, and it all just worked. Neat stuff.

I don't check prices often, as I don't see the point since I'm not an active trader nor in positions at risk of getting liquidated. Seeing how everyone is sad on X is more than enough haha


At the turn of the century, the UN and OASIS tried to create a framework for modern, global business: ebXML ( That standard didn't include payment/finance and was never really used, AFAIK.

25 years later, Bitcoin is still stuck in the store-of-value category. So, currently the only candidate for a really global system for finance, business etc seems to be the Ethereum ecosystem.

I am still hoping that somehow we can come together to create an alternative to the current exploitative platforms/systems that benefit the few at the expense of the many.

Same, I'm here primarily because I want an alternative to Wall Street and Big Social.

This week I shared a ddocs link with a complete crypto outsider, and it all just worked. Neat stuff.

Interesting, and why have you shared the ddocs link in the first place? Because you wanted privacy? Asking because they don't have a full feature parity with G Docs yet.

At the turn of the century, the UN and OASIS tried to create a framework for modern, global business: ebXML ( That standard didn't include payment/finance and was never really used, AFAIK.

Never heard about it, maybe because I was a kid when they announced it haha. It reminds me of EDI, a system to exchange documents (primarily invoices) between companies.

Agree that Ethereum is the only candidate to take over global finance, that's also why I'm here. There is no second best :)


Here for the art! (still here)

... and the self custody banking of course, HODL stablecoins be happy :)